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El Foro De Los Dos Lados > Desestabilidad Mental > ˇHa ocurrido!

Posted by: Kalonos August 30, 2011 15:17
El futuro ya esta aqui. ˇInteligencia artificial! ˇSkynet a la vuelta de la esquina!

ˇEstamos perdidos, perdiditos! Q2FEW1IOBROyuuAvCsP3eJcd+6fs=.gif

Posted by: General Tani August 30, 2011 15:39
Smiley 02.png

Posted by: Asdrubal7 August 30, 2011 15:45
Madre del amor hermoso.

Posted by: Kalonos August 30, 2011 15:45
ˇVirgen de la teta al hombro! laugh.gif

Posted by: Kiruna August 30, 2011 15:50
I am not a robot. I am a unicorn.

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